Teams, Work.

Project and goal status tracking for Jira

Goal search

You can use the goal search page to find the goals that you are interested in and want to keep tabs on.

Search criteria #

There are a number of search criteria that can be used to find goals within the application. These criteria will help you narrow down the goals that you are searching for.

Goal nameThis is a wildcard search that will search within names.
TagsWhat tags are associated with the goal?
StatusWhat status is the goal in?
OwnersWho owns the goals you are searching for?
ContributorsWho contributes to the goals you are searching for?
Sub goalsWhat sub goals help identify the goal?
Parent goalsWhat parent goals help identify the goal?
Supporting projectsWhat projects support the goal?
Show only those I followDisplay only goals I follow.
ArchivedDisplay only archived goals.
PrivateDisplay only private goals I have access to.



Sorting and filtering #

You can also sort and filter goals, there are a number of preset options for page size and what to sort by.


URL parameters #

All search criteria and sort/filtering options are maintained in the url parameters so you can share direct links to searches.

Charts #

Goals can also be visualized on a chart view, learn more about this over here.